How to know who to listen to and follow online


It’s about more than pretty quotes on Instagram

It seems like every other day, there’s a new coach or teacher and they all want to help you.

How do you know you’re making the right choice with your investment? When it comes to the types of people you are having influence your life, discernment is crucial. 

There are a couple of things I really believe are important, but what it really boils down to is listening to yourself. 

The question I want you to consider is:

“Does this person seem to be living life in a way that what they have and how they are is something I want for my own future?”

And Second:

“Do I feel a pull to explore what this person is talking about, and it feels a little bit scary too? A blend of nervous and excited?

Nervous excitement can be a signal that whatever this person has for you, there’s something meant for you.

For example, as I’ve grown, the types of coaches I have has changed.

For a while, I followed a lot of women who work really hard in their business and they were focused on their professional goals. It helped me really get clear on what I wanted in my life financially, as well as get ready to allow the right partner into my life.

Now, my teacher is a woman who is two decades older than me, has children who are almost adults, and has a happy, long marriage while running a million-dollar business. She is living the kind of life I want to see in my own future. Her business is part of her family. 

Who you choose depends on where you are in your own life and where you want to go. This is where discernment comes in. It’s not just about what someone else’s definition of success is.

Who we’re around and what we let influence us really influences our lives more than you think.

So, get clear on what you want:

  • What kind of life would you like to have right now? Who is living that?

  • What kind of life would you like to have in the future? Who is living that?

  • From those people - who do you feel excited about being in their bubble or world

It can always be helpful to our expansion to follow people on social media with different opinions than us, if we are open to our thoughts and beliefs being challenged.

But when it comes to following people or paying people who you may actually DO what they SAY - know you can use your own gut check and discernment. They won’t get everything perfect. They will make mistakes and be human just like you. But are they sharing their journey honestly? Or telling you only about their successes?

There is someone absolutely out there who can help you make the best decisions and be the best support system for you. Go for it and let me know who you decide to work with! I’d love to be connected to more awesome people in this world!

Feeling stuck? Let me know in the comments the kind of person you’d love to work with.